Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ji-yong Trial questions

1. Question: How did you feel when the red guards broke into your house?
Answer: (include page #)
I was really sacred and i felt like not being a part of the family any more and running away.(pg.136)
2. Question: How did you feel when you first heard about the cultural revolution?

Answer: (include page #) I was very exited and wanted to participate but as the revolution affected me and my family more i was becoming a little scared and did not stay as interested. i saw that lots of my relatives were being humiliated and having their lives ruined because of the cultural revolution and i saw that how the black families were treated. I also saw that lots of red guards bankrupting people and their houses even though sometimes the things were not four olds.

When the search came to my house i was terrorized and wanted to run away and sometimes wanted get out of China.

3. Question: Why did you volunteer for the really dangerous job to contact uncle Quian
Answer: (include page #) For once i wanted to prove myself and i felt some hope that we would be able get out of this mess and get dad back and i had other imaginations that were all ruined when the house was abandoned when i got there.

4. Question: Do you think your generation should be affected because your grandfather was a landlord?

Answer: (include page #) I don's think i should be affected by what my grandfather was because it is a revolution and you are supposed to forget the old things and invent new things and not judge you by what your family is or was.